Energy Consumption Needs of Web 3.0 – Can the Planet Sustain Them?

The internet of tomorrow spans Web 3.0, the Internet of Things, 5G mobile networks, VR/AR technology, machine learning, and AI, and other areas such as the Metaverse, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency.

As the internet becomes more sophisticated, advanced, and widespread, so do the energy consumption requirements needed to run the hardware. This is where it gets tricky.

The story of Web 3.0 starts with the advent of a different type of protocol: blockchain. The blockchain protocol found a way to use the cross-connections between users of the internet.

What the Heck Is This Web 3.0 Anyway?

In Web 3.0, every single individual user should be able to connect directly with other users for all kinds of activities, projects, and collaborations.

Now that we know what constitutes Web 3.0, let us do a breakdown of each feature’s energy demands:

Where Do the Energy Needs of Web 3.0 Stem From?

Energy Consumption Needs of Blockchain

Currently, blockchain is most frequently applied in cryptocurrency exchanges online. According to industry estimates, then, Bitcoin alone consumes between 130 and 150 TetraWatt hours of energy.

5G mobile networks will be an essential part of Web 3.0. 5G mobile phones are being designed to accommodate everyday Web 3.0 features.

Energy Consumption Needs of 5G Mobile Networks

"A 5G base station is generally expected to consume roughly three times as much power as a 4G base station. And more 5G base stations are needed to cover the same area."  - IEEE Spectrum5G’s Waveform Is a Battery Vampire

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